Nadex Refrains from Listing 6:05pm ET Expiration 5-Minute GBP/USD Binary Contract on October 5, 2015


Due to the quality of the underlying data upon which the Nadex Intraday 5-Minute GBP/USD Binary contract is based, Nadex refrained from listing the 6:05pm ET expiration 5-Minute GBP/USD Binary contract on trade date October 5, 2015. Nadex resumed its regular listing schedule for the 5-Minute GBP/USD Binary contracts beginning with the 6:10pm ET expiration.

This action was taken pursuant to the authority granted in Nadex Rule 12.31(f)(iv)(5) which states “Nadex may, in its discretion, temporarily refrain from the listing of any 5-Minute Binary Contract due to the unavailability of the underlying market upon which the Contract is based, or any other condition Nadex determines may be detrimental to the listing of the Contract.”

Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Compliance Department.