Nadex Adds Discretionary Strike Levels in its Daily US Tech 100 and US SmallCap 2000 Binary Contracts on January 2, 2015, Corrects a Typo in its Rulebook, and Resumes Listing its AUD/JPY Contracts
Pursuant to Section 5c(c)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act, and Commission Regulation §40.6(d)(2)(iv), and by the authority granted by Nadex Rules in 12.59 and 12.63 Nadex has added additional strike levels on a discretionary basis in its Daily US Tech 100 and US SmallCap 2000 Binary Contracts due to volatility in the underlying markets. Nadex plans to return to its regular listing schedule for these contracts on January 5, 2015.
Additionally, Nadex has corrected a typographical error in its Rule 12.35 (Currency Exchange USD/CHF Binary Contracts), section (f)(ii)(3) which mistakenly stated "USD/CAD" rather than "USD/CHF".
Finally, Nadex plans to resume the listing of its AUD/JPY Binary contracts for trade date January 5, 2015. Contracts will be listed at their regular times as indicated on the Nadex website.