

Introducing HedgeStreet Market Maker Subsidiary Pilot Program

HedgeStreet, Inc. introduces the HedgeStreet Market Maker Subsidiary Pilot Program ("Program"). ...

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Extension of the Special Free Trade Promotional Offer and Refer-A-Friend Program

The current Special Free Trade Promotional Offer (the "Promotion") grants participating HedgeStr...

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HedgeStreet® to Postpone Listing of new Binary and amended Variable NAR Housing Price Hedgelet Contracts

Pursuant to the Rule certification submitted by HedgeStreet, on December 29, 2005, HedgeStreet n...

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Various Rule Amendments/ Additions Submitted to the Commission on December 29, 2005, anticipated for effectiveness on January 6, 2006

Pursuant to Commission Regulation §40.2 and §40.6, HedgeStreet has submitted the following to th...

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HedgeStreet announces its Year 2006 Holiday Schedule

Pursuant to Section 5c(c) of the Commodity Exchange Act and Commodity Futures Trading Commission...

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Market Making Rules Broadening the Benefits Under Rule 4.4(b) are Postponed

Pursuant to Commission Regulation §40.6(a), HedgeStreet hereby withdraws its submission to the C...

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Amendment to Listing Schedule of the Non-Farm Payrolls Fixed Payout Contracts

Pursuant to Section 5c(c)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, and §40.6(a) of the regu...

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Amendment to Rules 12.29(b), (o) and 12.37(b), (o) - Amendments to the Underlying as it relates to the Listing Cycle for all Silver Contracts

Pursuant to Commission Regulation §40.6, the HedgeStreet Rule and Instrument Committees have app...

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Amendments to the Listing Cycle of Certain Daily, Spot and Weekly Contracts due to the Thanksgiving Day Holiday on November 24, 2005

Pursuant to Commission Regulation 40.2, HedgeStreet is modifying the listing cycle for certain H...

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Amendment to Rule 12.1(h) - Definition of "Weekly Contracts"

Pursuant to Commission Regulation §40.6, the HedgeStreet Rule Committee has approved an amendmen...

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All Soybean and Corn Production Contracts will have a Last Trading Date of Tuesday, October 11, 2005

As of the close of business Tuesday, October 11, 2005, HedgeStreet will not list for trading any...

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HedgeStreet Extends the Last Trade Date for this Week's Gasoline, California Gas, and Diesel Products

Data Release of Expiration Values is Delayed by Source Agency for HedgeStreet's WEEKLY Gasoline,...

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Expiration date is extended for the current Special Free Trade Promotional Offer

The current Special Free Trade Promotional Offer (the "Promotion") grants participating HedgeStr...

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Delay in Publication of the New York Prices for the Foreign Currency Market

Due to a delay in the release of the New York prices in the spot EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/YEN, USD/...

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Amendments to Rules 12.4(f)(i), 12.5(f)(i), 12.6(f)(i), 12.7(f)(i) and 12.50(f)(i)

Pursuant to Commission Regulation 40.6(c)(2)(iv), the HedgeStreet Rule and Instrument Committees...

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